Car insurance coverage is important to protect you financially when you’re behind the wheel. Whether you have basic liability coverage or full auto insurance, getting the best deal is essential. Wondering how to score cheaper car insurance? Read on! Here are five strategies for saving on auto insurance costs.
Take Advantage of Multi-Car Discounts
If you ask for a single auto insurance quote, you’ll end up with a higher premium than if you asked for quotes for several vehicles. This is because insurance companies offer better bulk rates since they want your business. Generally, multiple drivers living at the same residence, or those related by blood or marriage, can get a good insurance deal. Two unrelated people could also get a discount; however, they must jointly own multiple vehicles.
Pay Attention on The Road
Be a safe driver. This tip goes without saying, but with increasing in-car distractions these days, it serves as an important reminder. When you’re more careful, you’ll probably experience fewer accidents. This saves you money by keeping your insurance rates constant. Insurance companies offer safe drivers 10% to 23% off based on their driving record.
Take a Defensive Driving Course
Some insurance companies provide a discount for drivers who complete an approved defensive driving course. One may also be able to cut down on the number of points they have on their license by finishing a defensive driving or accident prevention course. Ask your insurance company about this offer before signing up for a class since the effort and money spent translate into a significant enough auto insurance saving.
Shop for Better Auto Insurance Rates
If your insurance policy is about to expire and your annual premium has gone up, consider shopping around at competing companies. Remember that cheaper doesn’t mean better. Going with a lower-priced company isn’t always the wisest thing to do. Understand what your contract cover says, not just what the salesperson tells you.
Downsize Your Vehicle
Buying a big SUV can be exciting, but insuring a massive, top-of-the-line vehicle can be more expensive than insuring a small commuter car. Some companies offer a substantial discount if you buy a hybrid or electric car too. So think about your options before purchasing a car.